
Verify all your emails, even Catch-alls. Get  50%+ more valid emails out of your lead lists

The best email verification service to verify email addresses with SMTP and manually verify your catch-all's.

Better Reponse Rates

Leads with catch-all emails are typically not contacted by cold outreach. By using listmint, you are able to take advantage of these leads.

No more wasted leads

Stop throwing away the catch-alls from the lead lists you paid for! With listmint, you are able to use all of these leads.

Avoid bounces

Emailing catch all domains is risky. With listmint, unlock an untapped market of emails without risking your emails bouncing.

See what our users are saying

Matt Lucero
Matt Lucero
Founder at Anevo Marketing
"The fastest, easiest, and most effective validation tool"

SMTP + Catch-all validation in one platform - the most cost effective + fastest way to get as many emails validated as possible.

Liz M.
Liz M.
Mirraponte Marketing
"A Lifesaver for my lead Generation Agency"

Its the best platform for verifying emails, both in terms of cost and logistics. I run an agency with 40+ clients and were running around 70-80 cold email campaigns at a time. Using ListMint simplifies the email verification process, and does a great job of only giving us the valid emails so we avoid email bounces. The ability to do both standard and catchall email verification within the same platform is a gamechanger. I run a lead generation agency with over 40 clients, and balancing ListMint makes the process of validating email lists very simple and easy.

Rens M.
Rens M.
Founder at MERKX Agency
"Perfect software for email verification"

The absolute best thing about Listmint is that you got soft and hard (catch-all) email verification in one tool and dont need seperate tools for it anymore.

Discover how listmint works

Get over 50% more valid leads

Other Verifiers (~55% Valid)
First verifierSecond verifier
Listmint (84% Valid):
Listmint verifier

Protect your sender reputation with the highest levels of accuracy

listmint offers extremely accurate verification results for very competitive prices


Emails verified


SMTP verification accuracy


Catch all verification accuracy


Starter Plan

To familiarize yourself with our tools.

20,000 Standard Credits

5,000 Catch All Credits

24/7 Support


Agency Plan

To familiarize yourself with our tools.

50,000 Standard Credits

10,000 Catch All Credits

24/7 Support

Contact us


Need more credits? Contact us and we'll make you a custom plan

Everything you need to know

Frequently asked questions
What is catch all verification?

30-40% of your lead list will be marked as catch-all (or risky) in verification tools, meaning they cannot be verified. Listmint goes one step beyond standard verification and manually verifies catch-alls, letting you know if they are valid or not.

How long does it take?

Standard verification (or SMTP) can verify thousands of emails within minutes. Catch all verification takes 48 hours, regardless of the size of the list. This is because bounces sometimes take 48 hours to report.

Why do we have two different credits?

Since we have two different verification processes, we have two different credits you can purchase. Our catch-all credits are more expensive than our normal SMTP credits, so this way, you only pay for what you need.

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